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- Teeth 5 Dia 18mm Length 30mm Centre Hole Dia 6mm Plastic Worm Gear - RS001
- L293D Motor Drive Shield Board Expansion Board For Arduino Mega UNO - SD011
- Bluetooth XBee Shield V03 Module Wireless Control For XBee ZigBee Arduino and other MCU - NA046
- SN74HC595N IC 8 Bit Shift Register DIP16 IC - RS457
- LM358 Operational Amplifier IC for basic projects - RS412
- HT12D Decoder IC for Remote Control Systems - RS137
- Ethernet LAN Module ENC28J60 Network RJ45 SPI Arduino UNNA003O 2560 AVR ARM PIC - NA052
- 5 X 7 CM PCB General Purpose Printed Circuit Board - PB001
- LDR Sensor Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) Photo Resistor for Basic Projects - AC154
- 5mm Round Head Infrared Receiver Photodiodes IR Diode -RS057