- SMART LEARNING: Smart Learning Robotics IOT comes with all the components required to learn at basic to advance levels.
- 4 ROBOT CARS can be built like (1) Line Following Car (2) Obstacle Avoidance Car (3) Light Following Car (4) Bluetooth Controlled Car
- SMART LEARNING: Store Smart Learning Robotics IOT comes with all the components required to learn at basic to advance levels.
- 4 ROBOT CARS can be built like (1) Line Following Car (2) Obstacle Avoidance Car (3) Light Following Car (4) Bluetooth Controlled Car
- BASICS: Now you have peace of mind to learn basic to advance levels with just one kit.
- QUALITY: High-quality components and modules are supplied with the kit. All DC motors are pre-soldered. Wires for the Bluetooth module in the L293d motor shield are also pre-soldered. Just one single battery holder with an ON-OFF switch
- EASE OF USE: You can download the guide and source code for all projects using the link provide with the kit. Detailed tutorials which are self-explanatory
- 1 x Uno R3 Board
- 1 x ESP01
- 1 x NodeMCU ESP8266
- 1 x 7 Segment 1Digit
- 1 x Breadboard 400 points
- 2 x Push Button with Cap
- 1 x Potentiometer
- 1 x IC 74HC595
- 2 x Transistor-PN2222
- 5 x LEDs (Red, Green, and Blue each)
- 1 x DHT11 Module
- 1 x Active Buzzer
- 1 x Passive Buzzer
- 1 x DC Motor
- 1 x SG90 Servo
- 1 x HC SR04
- 1 x RGB Led Module
- 1 x HC-05 Bluetooth Module
- 1 x 1602 i2c Display
- 1 x Resistors
- 40 x F-F Jumper Pins
- 40 x M-F Jumper Pins
- 40 x M-M Jumper Pins
- 2 x Line Sensor
- 2x Diode - 1N4001
- 1 x Relay Module
- 2 x Photoresistor (LDR Module)
- 1 x L293D Motor Shield
- 1 x Battery Holder 6-Cell
- 1 x Ultrasonic Sensor Holder
- 1 x 2WD Car Chassis
- Screws,nuts,bolts
- Box Packing