- Piper Make- 16 projects
- C++(Compatible with Arduino IDE)-38 projects
- MicroPython-59 projects
This kit contains over 320 items and 113 online projects for all Arduino and Raspberry Pi users, from beginners to advanced programmers. Besides the Pi Pico board, it has an ESP8266 module for projects involving the Internet of Things. All the necessary components are included: Sensors (MPU6050, DHT11, Ultrasonic, etc), Actuator LEDs, I2C LCDs, Servo Motor, and Pump, etc. The Raspberry Pi Pico is a high-performance microcontroller board with flexible digital that features the RP2040 with a dual-core ARM Cortex-M0+ processor. This Pi Pico Kit contains 113 professional projects of varying complexity. In each lesson, we provide circuit diagrams, a description of how it works, and an explanation of the code. Raspberry Pi Pico Ultimate kit features three programming languages to meet the needs of programmers of every level: 59 MicroPython lessons, 38 lessons in C/C++, and 16 lessons in Piper Make.
Click on the link given below-
Product name | Qty |
Raspberry Pi Pico | 1 |
USB Cable | 1 |
I2C LCD 1602 | 1 |
Infrared Remote | 1 |
Infrared Receiver (TSOP Sensor) | 1 |
2AA Battery Holder | 1 |
220 Ohm Resistor | 20 |
10K Ohm Resistor | 10 |
1K Ohm Resistor | 10 |
Potentiometer | 3 |
Ceramic Capacitor | 5 |
10uf Electrolytic Capacitor | 5 |
Tactile Push Button | 10 |
Push Button | 4 |
Push Button Cap | 4 |
Red Led | 10 |
Green Led | 4 |
Blue Led | 4 |
Yellow Led | 4 |
RGB Led | 1 |
Slide Switch | 2 |
Vibration (Tilt Switch) | 1 |
Keypad Membrane | 1 |
1N4001 Diode | 2 |
1N4148 Diode | 2 |
Photoresistor (LDR Sensor) | 2 |
4-Digit 7-Segment | 1 |
1-Digit 7-Segment | 1 |
Passive Buzzer | 1 |
Active Buzzer | 1 |
L293D IC | 1 |
74HC595 IC | 2 |
RFID Module | 1 |
DHT-11 Sensor | 1 |
Thermistor | 1 |
Motor | 1 |
Servo SG-90 | 1 |
Stepping Motor | 1 |
Joystick Module | 1 |
Motion Sensor (PIR) | 1 |
Ultrasonic Sensor | 1 |
Stepping Motor Driver (ULN2003) | 1 |
9v Battery Cable (DC Jack) | 1 |
65pcs Jumper Wire Set | 1 |
830point Breadboard | 1 |
Breadboard Power supply | 1 |
Joystick Module | 1 |
Jumper Wire F-F | 10 |
Jumper Wire F-M | 10 |
NPN Transistor | 2 |
PNP Transistor | 2 |
8*8 LED Matrix | 1 |
LED Bar Graph | 1 |
Relay | 1 |
MPU6050 | 1 |
MPR121 | 1 |
ESP01 | 1 |
REED Switch | 2 |
DC Pump | 1 |
4-wing Fan | 1 |
General PCB Board | 1 |
Pinout Card | 1 |
Resistor Colour Code Card | 1 |