- This complete kit comes with variety and quality of modules and components that you need compatible with raspberry pi pico.
- It is designed for Raspberry Pi enthusiasts to learn Python programming and sensor applications, embedded learning, through a series of Sensor and display modules and Raspberry Pi Pico development boards .
- In addition to the demo code provided, each experiment also provides more space for learners to play. This is a very valuable learning tool!
Tutorial and Code:
Click on the link to download- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O5nGRHYcsv5i6KRxL0y7V9G_Ap51oOjP/view?usp=share_link
Package included :
- 1 x Raspberry Pi Pico
- 1 x 16 * 2 lcd display
- 1 x Sg90 Servo Motor
- 1 x 0.96 OLED display
- 1 x Pir Motion sensor Module
- 1 x 400 Point Breadboard
- 1 x ultrasonic sensor Module
- 1 x dht11 sensor Module
- 1 x Mpu6050 Module
- 1 x 1 channel Relay Module
- 1 x 200 ohm Resistor
- 1 x micro usb Cable
- 1 x Titl Switch
- 1 x Male to Male jumper Wire
- 5 x Red led
- 5 x blue led
- 5 x yellow led
- 1 x RGB WS2812 Light Ring
- 1 x 4-digit display
- 1 x Raindrops sensor Module
- 1 x pressure
- 1 x Ps2 Joystick Module
- 1 x 5v stepper Motor
- 1 x uln2003
- 1 x Max7219 8x8 Matrix
- 1 x DS18D20 Sensor