- Learning/Skill Level: (Beginner to Advanced / Master)
- With tutorial user manual containing PDF Lesson,code,Libraries,CD/DVD, and so on.
- All components compatible with Uno R3, can be used directly.
- Package includes: Individual components in retail box, starter guide and source code to be downloaded using the link provided in the kit, parts reference chart and list for easy identification.
Description :
- Learning/Skill Level: (Beginner to Advanced / Master)
- With tutorial user manual containing PDF Lesson,code,Libraries,CD/DVD, and so on.
- All components compatible with Uno R3, can be used directly.
- Package includes: Individual components in retail box, starter guide and source code to be downloaded using the link provided in the kit, parts reference chart and list for easy identification.
Package Included :
- 1 x Uno R3 Compatible Board
- 1 x USB cable
- 1 x 830 Tie Points Breadboard
- 10 x 5mm Red LEDs
- 10 x 5mm Green LEDs
- 10 x 5mm Yellow LEDs
- 10 x 5mm Blue LEDs
- 1 x 5mm RGB LED
- 5 x Push Button with Cap
- 10 x 220 ohm Resistor
- 10 x 1k ohm Resistor
- 10 x 10k ohm Resistor
- 1 x Photo resistance
- 1 x Remote
- 1 x Tilt Switch
- 2 x Buzzer module
- 1 x 10k potentiometer
- 1 x MAX7219 Chip
- 1 x74HC595 Shift Register
- 1 x LM35 Temperature Sensor
- 1 x Water Lever Sensor
- 1 x Stepper Motor
- 1 x Stepper Motor Driver Board
- 1x Servo motor
- 1 x dc motor with fan
- 1 x DC motor driver module L293D
- 1 x 1602 LCD display
- 1 x 4 Digital tube
- 1 x 7 segment display
- 1x 4*4 Keyboard Module
- 1 x RTC module
- 1 x RC-522 RFID module
- 1 x Ultrasonic Module
- 1 x PIR Motion Sensor
- 1 x IR Receiver Sensor
- 2 x Diode(1N4007)
- 2 x Npn transistor BC547
- 2 x Pnp transistor BC557
- 1 x ESP8266-01
- 1 x ESP8266 Pin Board Adapter Module
- 1 x Soil moisture sensors
- 1 x Magnetic Reed Switch
- 1 x Mini Load cell
- 1 x Hx711 ADC Module
- 1 x Laser Module 650NM 5V
- 1 x TTP223B Touch Key Sensor Module
- 1 x MQ-135 Gas Sensor Module
- 1 x OLED 0.96" I2C 128 X 64 Display Module
- 1 x Infrared Sensor
- 2 x Capacitor 47uF
- 2 x Capacitor 220uF
- 2 x Capacitor 100nF
- 1 x Battery Holder
- 40pcs x jumper wires(F-F)
- 40pcs x jumper wires(M-F)
- 40pcs x jumper wires(M-M)
- 1 x 9V Battery Holder
- 1 x 2.54mm Elbow 40 Pin Header
- 1 x 2.54mm Straight 40 Pin Header
- 1 x Breadboard Power Supply Module
- 1 x 170 Tie Point Mini Breadboard
- 1 x UNO R3 Ethernet shield with all 37 Sensor kit