In this project, we will make an air mouse and gesture control mouse using an Arduino Leonardo and MPU6050 accelerometer and gyroscope module. The project depends on 2 key components: the MPU6050 module and Arduino Leonardo. The MPU6050 helps us to collect the data for the 3D pose of " AIR MOUSE" along the X and Y-axis. Then board on the values of the sensor can control the mouse cursor.
Arduino Leonardo with USB Cable -1
- Joystick Module – 1
- GY-521 MPU6050 3-Axis Acceleration Gyroscope 6DOF Module -1
- Breadboard 830 Points - 1
- Push Button - 2
- Jumper Wire Male to Female- 40 pieces
- Jumper Wire Male to Male - 40 pieces
Arduino IDE 1.8.5 (programmable platform for Arduino)
Click To Download:
GY-521 MPU6050 3-Axis Acceleration Gyroscope 6DOF Module:
The MPU6050 contains both a 3-axis Gyroscope and a 3-axis accelerometer allowing measurements of both independently, but all based around the same axes, thus eliminating the problems of cross-axis errors when using separate devices.
- Accelerometer ranges: ±2, ±4, ±8, ±16g
- Gyroscope ranges: ± 250, 500, 1000, 2000 °/s
- Voltage range: 3.3V - 5V (the module includes a low drop-out voltage regulator
Use: The MPU6050 is a 6 DOF (Degrees of Freedom) or a six-axis IMU sensor, which means that it gives six values as output. Three values from the accelerometer and three from the gyroscope. It is used as a mouse.
Arduino Leonardo:
Arduino Leonardo is an old board but the only compatible board for this project. It has the required SCL and SDA pin for the connection of MPU6050.
- Connect the VCC and GND pin of Arduino Leonardo to the breadboard for making further VCC and GND connections.
- Connect the VCC and GND pin of Arduino Leonardo to the breadboard for making further VCC and GND connections.
- Connect the VCC pin of the MPU6050 Accelerometer module with the positive rail on the breadboard.
- Connect the GND pin of the MPU6050 Accelerometer module with the negative rail on the breadboard.
- Connect the SCL pin of the MPU6050 Accelerometer module with the SCL pin of Arduino Leonardo
- Connect the SDA pin of the MPU6050 Accelerometer module with the SDA pin of the Arduino Leonardo
- Attach both the push buttons to the breadboard
- Now connect each pin of the push-button with the negative rail on the breadboard as shown in the diagram.
- Connect push button 1 (for Left click) with the digital pin 7 of Arduino Leonardo
- Connect push button 2 (for right-click)with the digital pin 6 of Arduino Leonardo
Note- To click the mouse you need to stop moving the mouse and lock it to a point for 2 sec so you can integrate a button for this purpose. you can add a button for this function we have not added it in the circuit but it is mentioned in the code as it is connected to the digital pin 1 of the Arduino Leonardo.
Click to see the code
Welcome to the Arduino-based project in which you can control the gesture of the MPU6050 module. The first push button is for the left click and the second push button is for the right click.