Arduino UNO | 1 |
Arduino UNO USB Cable | 1 |
65 Jumper wire | 1 |
400 point breadboard | 1 |
5mm Led (Red, Green, Blue, White, Yellow)- 5 pcs each | 1 |
Resistor (220 ohm , 10k , 1k , 1m , 2k , 330ohm , 100 ohm, 5k ) - 10 pcs each | 1 |
10 Pin Dupont Line ( Male to male ) | 1 |
10k Potentiometer | 1 |
Passive Buzzer ( B10) | 1 |
Infrared receiving Head Sensor | 1 |
LDR ( Photoresistor) 5mm | 1 |
IR Remote Control | 1 |
1 Digit 7 Segment display | 1 |
4 Digit 7 Segment Display | 1 |
8*8 Dot Matrix Display | 1 |
ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver | 1 |
5v Stepper Motor | 1 |
SG-90 Servo Motor | 1 |
16*2 LCD Display | 1 |
5v 1-Channel Relay Module | 1 |
RGB Led | 1 |
9v Battery Snapper | 1 |
ADXL345 Acceleration Sensor | 1 |
Ultrasonic Distance Sensor HC-SR04 | 1 |
DC Motor | 1 |
IC (74HC595, ULN2003, L293D) | 1 |
Thermistor | 1 |
Push buttons - Big | 5 |
Ceramic Capacitor and Electrolytic Capacitor | 4 |
Transistor | 15 |
12V 2A Power Adapter | 1 |
Diode( IN4001 - 2 , IN4007 -2) | 1 |
Resistor Band Card | 1 |
Mini Breadboard 170 pt | 1 |
Arduino Prototype Expansion Board | 1 |